Creating a safe space for Pick Up and Drop Off areas at schools is a vital part of your school’s positive climate. With a customized PBIS banner or A-Frame sign, you can direct visitors effectively and safely for your students, staff, and guests.
A-Frames are easy to use, lightweight, and durable. By placing these on the sidewalk near vehicles in a Pick Up and Drop Off area, drivers are more likely to see important directions up close. These frames can also be placed on walking paths for students. Customize these signs further by using a dry-erase A-Frame sign, featuring your school’s mascot and a voice bubble where the message can change for special events, such as fundraisers, PTO meetings, assemblies, and more.
PBIS Banners are customized with your mascot and message to show expectations for an area from a distance. These banners are popular, because students are able to read instructions and other messages from a longer distance. Use them in populated areas, such as the cafeteria or the Pick Up and Drop Off area at your school. We can also incorporate your customized PBIS program into the design.
Pick Up and Drop Off areas are busy and dangerous, but they don’t have to be! By using A-Frame signs and PBIS Banners, your school can direct visitors effectively and safely for your students, staff, and guests.
Read more about A-Frames and PBIS Banners for Pick Up and Drop Off areas today!