We just finished our positive behavior clipart set of our cardinal mascot. 45 illustrations of the cardinal demonstrating things like respect, responsibility, anti-bullying, diversity and more. It’s all part of our PBIS Roll Out Kit that also includes posters, banners, gotcha rewards, street signs and other visual aids to help schools use their mascot as a role model to demonstrate the targeted behavioral expectations of their positive behavior programs. There is a kit for each type of mascot. See our list of mascots.

This clipart set features the cardinal mascot demonstrating positive behaviors such as respect, responsibility, safety, diversity and more.
Our PBIS Roll Out Kits give schools an effective way to create what we call a mascot-centric climate, where every day is a great day to be a cardinal!… or other mascot. It means something special when a teacher says “Congratulations Tommy, you are now a cardinal, and part of our cardinal community. You have cardinal friends and we have cardinal rules. We have a cardinal way of doing things, and if you ever wonder what you should do, just look around and ask yourself ‘what would a cardinal do?'”
Children readily embrace mascots, and being part of a mascot community. They self identify as a “cardinal,” and that gives educators an extraordinary opportunity to influence their behavior. Control the mascot – control the child! When children come to a decision point, they look in their bag of tricks for some type of solution. If you surround them with positive examples of how a cardinal does things, their bag of tricks quickly fills up with good ideas that work well and lead to successful outcomes. It starts a positive cycle that can serve them well as they navigate through school, and even the rest of their life.