Soren the Blue Jay
The Blue Jay mascot at Berlin Memorial School is named Soren, but Soren is much more than just a school mascot. Soren is the central figure and foundation of Berlin Memorial School’s program for creating a positive school climate.
At BMS, the Blue Jay’s PBIS theme is SOAR—Safety, Organization, Achievement, and Respect—and the school asked us to incorporate their pre-designed mascot into our school banners and posters. BMS enjoyed our banner design featuring the Blue Jay mascot riding in a hot air balloon. While their SOAR motto trails out behind it, the BMS theme words can be found on the hot air balloon as Soren soars forward.

Blue Jay SOAR Banner
In addition to their banner, we also provided a series of PBIS Rules Posters and Banners for different sections of the school. With a Rules Poster, Soren the Blue Jay explains bus safety.

Bus Safety Banner
With another Rules Poster, Soren the Blue Jay encourages respectful behavior and organization during a school assembly.

Assemblies Expectations Poster
With your PBIS Roll Out Kit, your school can also feature an array of posters and other visual aids to create a positive climate for your students. PBIS Roll Out Kit items are customized with YOUR school mascot, PBIS theme, rules/expectations, school name, and colors.
We will create a customized mascot to serve as a role model for the foundation of your positive school climate today.