Wildcat PBIS Rules Posters

Meet PBIS requirements by posting rules posters in different areas of your school. These posters feature a wildcat mascot demonstrating the targeted positive behaviors, but any mascot can be used. Mascot Junction has more than 80 kid-friendly mascots designed specifically to support PBIS programs. Each mascot comes in clip art sets with 80 illustrations. The illustrations feature the mascot demonstrating positive behaviors like respect, responsibility, safety, kindness and others. You can have Mascot Junction customize its rules posters with your behavior expectations and voice level guidelines too. Virtually everything is designed around your school’s PBIS program.

Wildcat Assembly PBIS Posters

Rules Poster for School Assemblies featuring a wildcat mascot.

Wildcat Bus rules PBIS Posters

Teach students appropriate behavior on the bus with this bus rule poster featuring a wildcat mascot.

Wildcat Cafeteria Rules PBIS Posters

Post cafeteria rules in a poster that provides visual examples of what targeted positive behavior looks like in the dining area.

Wildcat Classroom Rules PBIS Posters

Post classroom rules posters in every class to remind students of behavioral expectations.

Wildcat Hallways PBIS Posters

Teach hallway behavior expectations by posting the rules throughout the school.

Wildcat Library PBIS Posters

Be safe. Be Respectful. Be Responsible in the library. Post these rules in your school library to remind students of the behavioral expectations.

Wildcat PIck Up PBIS Posters

Keep kids safe by posting behavior expectation rules in the school’s pick-up and drop-off area.

Wildcat Playground PBIS Posters

Put playground rules posters where students can see them whenever they enter or exit the play area.

Wildcat Restroom Rules PBIS Posters

Teach students how to wash their hands and respect each other’s privacy in the restroom with these bathroom rules posters.

Wildcat Computer Lab Rules PBIS Posters

Teach students how to respect and take care of computer equipment with a rules poster that provides visual samples of behavior expectations.

Learn more about Mascot Junction’s rules posters and all the products in their PBIS Roll Out Kits by exploring the site. PBIS Roll Out Kits include posters, banners, signs, t-shirts, temporary tattoos, mascot costumes, award certificates, gotcha rewards and a wide array of visual aids to help you bring your PBIS program to life.

Mascot Junction’s rules posters feature carefully crafted illustrations of the school mascot visually demonstrating specific positive behaviors. These samples feature a wildcat mascot, but we have more than 80 different kid-friendly mascots to choose from, and are adding more every day. Each mascot comes with more than 80 clip art illustrations of it doing a variety of things related to school activities, holidays, sports and positive behaviors. We use these illustrations to create posters, banners, signs, t-shirts and other visual aids to help educators reinforce their PBIS program.