Get PBIS bathroom rules posters from Mascot Junction that feature your school mascot demonstrating positive behavior. Bathroom rules posters are customized with your rules and feature your school mascot, and school colors. In addition to bathroom rules posters, Mascot Junction also offers PBIS rules posters for the hallway, cafeteria, classroom, playground, assemblies, pick-up/drop-off area, library, computer lab and virtually anywhere you need to communicate positive behavior expectations.

PBIS Bathroom Rules Posters from Mascot Junction feature your school mascot and are customized with your rules and school colors.

Teach students how to be safe, respectful and responsible in the restroom with these PBIS bathroom rules posters.

Restroom rules posters from Mascot Junction feature your school mascot demonstrating positive behavior, and are customized with your rules, mascot and school colors.