Our School Climate Transformation Roll Out Kits help you create a culture where it means something really special to be a lion, tiger, bear or whatever your school mascot is. The emotional incentives for being part of a group are incredibly strong, and by creating the group around your school mascot, you’ve giving yourself an incredibly powerful tool for teaching positive behavior or character traits.
Consider what it means to a child when you tell them “Congratulations, you are now an eagle. You have eagle friends and are part of an eagle community. We have eagle rules and and eagle way of doing things, so when it comes time to make decisions, just think of what an eagle would do, and you’ll make a good choice, get good results and have a good time.”
This is the essence of a mascot-centric school climate. It helps creates an outstanding environment for teaching positive behavior and character traits. It’s simple. It’s visual. It’s engaging. It’s the perfect way to create a strong sense of community within your school, so you can frame discussions and lessons in a way that student’s relate to.
The instant a child utters the words “I am an eagle,” something incredible happens. A part of their self-image changes, and that gives educators a tremendous opportunity to reach and influence their behavior because… it’s human nature to act consistently with one’s self-image. If they consider themselves an eagle, they’ll tend to act like an eagle. Control the eagle – control the child.
Learn more about creating a mascot-centric school climate, and our Roll Out Kits by exploring MascotJunction.com.